Tasting - White Haven

White Haven
Sauvignon Blanc
New Zealand
$13.97 at Total Wine

Wine Tasters searchers notes: "Marlborough, New Zealand - A full flavored, medium-bodied wine, with an abundance of vibrand currant and gooseberry flavors, that linger on the dry, clean finish. Enjoy with salads, poultry, shellfish and Pan-Asian cuisine."

Hello, wine lovers! Another week another bottle, and I am not complaining. If you have been reading my blog for a few weeks now, then you know that I am a white wine lover. This week my best friend Aspen and I decided to try a more expensive bottle compared to our usual price point. The color of this wine is a classic white wine that is a golden yellow color. The smell of the wine very dry; you could almost smell the alcohol content in this wine. The taste of the wine was fruity and and sweet. I think I tasted hints of  honeysuckle and maybe apple. After reading the wine tastes notes they noted a taste of gooseberry.. which I have never heard of. Overall the wine was very yummy, and I will defiantly love to have a glass of this wine again.


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