Tasting - Rain Cloud

Rain Cloud
Red wine
United States
$5.99 at Trader Joe's

Wine Searcher tasting notes:  "The color is an opaque cranberry red with black highlights. The nose is dark berries and spice, with dusty chocolate powder, and a slightly herbal edge. This Red blend has medium+ body and a flavor profile that hits way harder than $5.99. It tastes of ripe black cherry, a slap of exotic, slightly sharp spice, tart cranberry, and chocolate bar chocolate. The mid-palate offers blackberry and cream, and a late hit of black licorice. The tannins are smooth and so is the acidity. This is a smooth wine with an occasion slap of sharp flavors, which gives the wine a little personality. The finish is full and lasts a respectable time."

Well guys it's week two which means another bottle of wine! This week the gal pals and I tried Rain Cloud. It was another Trader Joe's find recommended by multiple employees at the OKC store. Based off of visual and smell of the wine it looked very sophisticated, dark in color, and smelt very flavorful. The smells that I picked up most before tasting were fruity possible blueberry or blackberry. What surprised me most is that I thought there was a mint undertone.  After my first taste of the wine I noticed it was full of flavor, but it also seemed dry. I tasted different berries, and some sort of oak undertone. This was another week of unprepared tasting so we paired the wine with M&M's and other chocolates we had around the house.

Source for Wine Searching tasting notes: Dave, Domaine. “Rain Cloud Red Blend 2016 (Trader Joe's).” Cheap Wine Finder, 3 Apr. 2019, https://www.cheapwinefinder.com/30208/rain-cloud-red-blend-2016-trader-joes/.


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