Tasting - Blue Fin

Blue Fin
United States
$4.99 at Trader Joe's

Wine Searchers tasting notes: "An aromatic and perfumed nose leads to rich notes of honeysuckle, apricot and honeydew melon along with hints of orange zest. This exudes a vibrant personality with enough acidity and subtle effervescence to keep this semi-sweet wine from becoming heavy or cloying."

Week three here we are! This week the gal pals and I tried the Blue Fin Moscato for 'Wine Wednesday' :-) The visual of this wine in a yellowish and gold color, and it seemed slightly sparkling. At the first smell it seemed very sweet and light, and after the first taste I could tell I was right. It seemed to me that the wine was a medium sweetness. I didn't taste any specific flavors, but it was a sweet wine with a tangy after taste. This has been by far my favorite wine, it wasn't too sweet, or too dry, or too anything it was perfect. Moscato is best paired with deserts so we had it with macaroons. After last week's fail of matching the wine with brownies we planned ahead and got a lighter desert. The lightness of the macaroons and the sweetness of the wine was awesome.

Source for Wine Searching tasting notes: "The Fermented Fruit".  http://thefermentedfruit.com/tag/blue-fin-moscato-review/


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